: the customary code of polite behavior in society or among groups of particular profession or group.

Children's Etiquette ages 5-12
Teen Etiquette ages 13-18
Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts Etiquette Courses
NCL and YMSL Etiquette Courses
Private Coaching for individuals and families.

Why Etiquette:
It only takes seven seconds to establish a first impression, and a negative one can take ages to undo.
One of the best gifts a parent can give a child is the knowledge of solid social skills. Learning to be courteous and polite are life skills that are carried through to adulthood and can open many doors along the way. Dining skills are often the trickiest and most difficult to teach because the modern family is constantly on the run. Now you can turn to Southern Etiquette Consultants to teach your children about social and dining etiquette. The expertise of table manners and social graces will boost a child or teenagers self-confidence and create a positive image, enabling them to feel at ease in social gatherings and excel as they journey through life.
Lessons in a private home setting
Our consultants are trained and certified by the American School of Protocol in Atlanta, GA